Bruin Online (BOL) – E-mail accounts and more

124 Kerckhoff Hall
(310) 267-4357  Help Desk Telephone technical support
Website: Email:

In order to have access to BOL services, you must have a UCLA Logon ID.
Bruin OnLine (BOL) is a collection of services that provides UCLA students, faculty, and staff with:

  • Email and Online Campus Directory
  • Web Hosting Services
  • Network Connectivity, including Wireless
  • Free Software and Support
  • Check class availability in the online Schedule of Classes
  • Access your student records via URSA Online
  • Search for a book at the UCLA Library, or browse online databases

By the time you fulfill your TA requirement, you will be required to have a BOL e-mail account.

Password information: Bruin OnLine will never ask for your password. Do not provide your password to anyone over the phone or via email.

Mailboxes: The department mailboxes for graduate students are located in 162 Boyer Hall, two doors North of the Graduate Student Affairs Office (172 Boyer Hall). Graduate student mail may also be left in the mailbox of the student’s PI for distribution in the lab.

Telephones on campus: For on-campus dialing, use only the last five digits of the campus phone number. For example, for 310-206-1111, dial 61111 when using a campus phone. For 310-825-1111, dial 51111. To dial outside numbers, dial 8 first, then 1, then the area code and number. UCLA phone numbers use the 310 area code, and the following prefixes: 206, 267, 312, 319, 441, 794, 825 and 983. See also “voicemail.”

Campus Map:

Campus Newspaper: Daily Bruin