From the Student Guide to Academic Integrity As a student and member of the University community, you are here to get an education and are, therefore, expected to demonstrate integrity in all of your academic endeavors.  You are evaluated on your own merits, so be proud of your accomplishments, and protect academic integrity at UCLA.

Forms of Academic dishonesty: As specified by University policy, violations or attempted violations of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to: cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, multiple submissions, or facilitating academic dishonesty (See University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students, 102.01).

Cheating: Cheating is the failure to observe the expressed procedures of an academic exercise, including but not limited to:

♦  Unauthorized acquisition of knowledge of an examination or part of an examination
♦  Allowing another person to take a quiz, exam, or similar evaluation for you
♦  Using unauthorized materials, information, or study  aids in any academic exercise or examination – textbook, notes, formula list, calculator, etc.
♦  Unauthorized collaboration in providing or requesting assistance, such as sharing information on an academic exercise
♦  Unauthorized use of another person’s data in completing a computer exercise
♦  Altering a graded exam or assignment and  requesting that it be re-graded

Fabrication: Fabrication is falsification or invention of any information in an academic exercise, including but not limited to:

♦  Altering data to support research
♦  Presenting results from research that was not performed
♦  Crediting source material that was not used for research

Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the presentation of another’s words or ideas as if they were one’s own, including but not limited to:

♦  Submitting, as your own, through purchase or otherwise, part of or an entire work produced verbatim by someone else
♦  Paraphrasing ideas, data, or writing without properly acknowledging the source
♦  Unauthorized transfer and use of another person’s computer file as your own
♦  Unauthorized use of another person’s data in completing a computer exercise

Multiple Submissions: Multiple Submissions involve the resubmission of a work that has already received credit with identical or similar content in another course without consent of the present instructor or submission of work with identical or similar content in concurrent courses without consent of instructors

Facilitating Academic Dishonesty: Facilitating Academic Dishonesty is participating in any action that compromises the integrity of the academic standards of the University; assisting another to commit an act of academic dishonesty, including but not limited to:

♦ Taking a quiz, exam, or similar evaluation in place of another person
♦  Allowing another student to copy from you
♦  Providing material or other information to another student with knowledge that such assistance could be used in any of the violations stated above (e.g., giving test information to students in other discussion sections of the same course)

Procedures When Academic Dishonesty is Suspected: When a student is suspected to be involved in academic dishonesty, the Academic Senate requires that the instructor report the allegation to the Dean of Students’ Office.  The instructor will file a report and provide supporting evidence such as a copy of the exam or paper in question.

If it is alleged that you engaged in academic dishonesty, don’t panic!  Read the allegations carefully.  You may consider talking with your professor to clarify the situation and/or pursue clarification during your interview(s) with the Dean.

If you admit culpability, and if the Dean concludes that there is sufficient evidence to sustain a finding of culpability, the Dean may impose, or impose and suspend, one or more of the sanctions listed in the UCLA Student Conduct Code.  Sanctions for violation of University policies regarding academic dishonesty include suspension or dismissal.  If the matter cannot be resolved between the Dean and the student, the Dean may refer the case to the Student Conduct Committee for a hearing.

Promoting Academic Integrity: Proactive Strategies

♦  Take the time to produce quality work that you can be proud of, and be thoroughly prepared for examinations.
♦  During an exam, don’t sit next to someone with whom you studied, in case your exams end up looking “too similar.”
♦  Discourage academic misconduct among other students.
♦  During examinations, focus on your work, and do not look in the direction of other students. Take the initiative to shield your work to prevent other students from copying.
♦  Do not allow others to use your computer, user ID,  or  password
♦  Resist the temptation to share rough drafts and participate in peer editing without the consent of your instructor
♦  When using class notes for an assignment, ask yourself:  Did this information come from me? Always document where and from whom you got your information (e.g., other students, professor, class text, web site).
♦  What can you do if you are unsure whether it is unauthorized collaboration or whether it is okay to work together?  When in doubt, ASK!.  Check your course syllabus or speak with your instructor.

If you would like more information regarding academic integrity/dishonesty issues or concerns, please visit the Dean of Students’ Office in 1206 Murphy Hall, (310) 825-3871,

Privacy and Access to Student Files: By federal law (FERPA: the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) students have a right to see everything in their student file except those items to which they have specifically waived their right of access (such as some letters of recommendation). A “student file” is anything intended for communication from one person to another that has the student’s name on it. (A person’s notes to him- or herself are excluded.) No one can keep confidential evaluations in a student’s file without the student having a right to review them. Along, with that comes the guarantee that no one has a right to see the student’s file without his/her permission, except on an “in-house, need-to-know” basis. That means that a professor cannot look up all of her/his students – and your spouse or parent cannot check up on you! It does mean that if a UCLA faculty or staff member needs access to your information in the normal course of his/her job, that access is available. A FERPA restriction means that no information will be released to anyone outside the University, including prospective employers. Once placed, a FERPA restriction can only be released in person at the Office of the Registrar in 1113 Murphy Hall.  Please see the Graduate Advisor for questions about student privacy and records access.