What are the Admission requirements, and what is the application process?
Requirements are listed on the Admissions page.
When is the application deadline?
The application deadline is May 1 for the upcoming Fall Quarter. Applications are accepted for matriculation in the Fall quarter only.
Application reviews begin in early May and selected applicants are directly admitted into the program. Remember:
“Future M.S. students are directly admitted into a UCLA Bioinformatics IDP faculty’s lab. Thus, each applicant should identify a “sponsoring” UCLA Bioinformatics IDP faculty member before submitting an application. A letter of recommendation is required from the sponsoring UCLA Bioinformatics IDP faculty member. The student must have worked with the sponsoring UCLA Bioinformatics IDP faculty member for at least one summer/quarter.” Applicants who will increase and strengthen our diversity are encouraged to apply.
Do I need to take the GRE General Exam and subject exams?
You do NOT need to take a GRE General or Subject Exam. The general exam is optional and we prefer you not to submit.
What if my TOEFL scores won’t be available by May 1?
Applicants should take the general TOEFL by May 1. Request ETS to send official TOEFL scores code is 30 (Other Biological Sciences).
Please note that it takes 6-8 weeks from the test date for domestic scores (test taken in the U.S.) to reach UCLA. For international scores (test taken outside the U.S.) scores will be received at least 8 weeks after the test date.
Applications will only be reviewed once all materials are submitted.
Is financial support provided?
To be announced soon!
Where do I describe my research experience?
In the Statement of Purpose under the section titled ‘Pertinent Work Experience.’
My transcripts are in a language other than English. What should I do?
Unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution, the official records in their original language must be submitted, along with an authorized, complete, and exact English translation.
All official academic records must show the dates of enrollment; the subjects or courses taken, together with the units of credit or time allotted to each subject and, if rank is determined, rank in the total class or group. The records must also include a complete description of the institution’s grading scale or other standard of evaluation. Maximum and minimum marks and the steps between them must be indicated.
Is there an undergraduate bioinformatics program at UCLA?
Undergraduate students interested in bioinformatics are strongly encouraged to consider the Computational and Systems Biology program at UCLA. This program provides ideal preparation for either this graduate program or many other graduate bioinformatics programs. Students in other major programs at UCLA should consider the Bioinformatics Minor program which is available to all students at UCLA.
I am a senior in college and will graduate next June, but the application deadline is the previous month May 1. Should I wait to apply?
If you are a university/college senior, do not wait for senior-year grades before submitting your application and transcript. Many applicants still have work in progress at the time of the application deadline; submit your most recent transcript.
I still have some questions. . . .
If you still have more questions, please contact grpancho@lifesci.ucla.edu.