Please visit the following page for an updated listing of courses in Bioinformatics:



Course# Title: Description:
BIOMATH 200 Research Frontiers in Biomathematics Lecture, two hours. Series of presentations by faculty members on research frontiers in biomathematics.
BIOMATH 201 Deterministic Models in Biology Lecture, three hours; laboratory, three hours. Preparation: knowledge of linear algebra and differential equations. Examination of conditions under which deterministic approaches can be employed and conditions where they may be expected to fail. Topics include compartmental analysis, enzyme kinetics, physiological control systems, and cellular/animal population models.
BIOMATH M203 Stochastic Models in Biology (Same as Human Genetics M203.) Lecture, four hours. Requisite: Mathematics 170A or equivalent experience in probability. Mathematical description of biological relationships, with particular attention to areas where conditions for deterministic models are inadequate. Examples of stochastic models from genetics, physiology, ecology, and variety of other biological and medical disciplines.
BIOMATH M207B Applied Genetic Modeling – Lab 1A (Same as Biostatistics M237 and Human Genetics M207B.) Lecture, three hours; laboratory, one hour. Requisites: Biostatistics 110A, 110B. Methods of computer-oriented human genetic analysis. Topics include statistical methodology underlying genetic analysis of both quantitative and qualitative complex traits. Laboratory for hands-on computer analysis of genetic data; laboratory reports required. Course complements M207A; students may take either and are encouraged to take both.
BIOMATH M211 Mathematical and Statistical Phylogenetics (Same as Biostatistics M239 and Human Genetics M211.) Lecture, three hours; laboratory, one hour. Requisites: Biostatistics 110A, 110B, Mathematics 170A. Theoretical models in molecular evolution, with focus on phylogenetic techniques. Topics include evolutionary tree reconstruction methods, studies of viral evolution, phylogeography, and coalescent approaches. Examples from evolutionary biology and medicine. Laboratory for hands-on computer analysis of sequence data.
BIOMATH M261 Responsible Conduct of Research Involving Humans (Same as Medicine M261.) Lecture, two hours; discussion, two hours. Preparation: completion of one basic course in protection of human research subjects through Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative. Discussion of current issues in responsible conduct of clinical research, including reporting of research, basis for authorship, issues in genetic research, principles and practice of research on humans, conflicts of interest, Institutional Review Board (IRB), and related topics.
BIOL CH 251A Seminar: Transcriptional Regulation Seminar, two hours. Advanced course on mechanics of gene transcription in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes intended for students actively working or highly interested in transcription.
BIOL CH 251B Seminar: Transcriptional Regulation Seminar, two hours. Advanced course on mechanics of gene transcription in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes intended for students actively working or highly interested in transcription.
BIOL CH M229S Seminar: Current Topics in Bioinformatics (Same as Computer Science M229S and Human Genetics M229S.) Seminar, four hours; outside study, eight hours. Designed for graduate engineering students, as well as students from biological sciences and medical school. Introduction to current topics in bioinformatics, genomics, and computational genetics and preparation for computational interdisciplinary research in genetics and genomics. Topics include genome analysis, regulatory genomics, association analysis, association study design, isolated and admixed populations, population substructure, human structural variation, model organisms, and genomic technologies. Computational techniques include those from statistics and computer science. May be repeated for credit with topic change.
BIOSTAT 202 Theory of Regression Analysis Lecture, two hours. Requisites: courses 110A, 110B. Corequisite: course 200A. Additional theoretical topics in regression analysis for students concurrently enrolled in course 200A. Topics include regression applications of matrix algebra, multivariate calculus, and statistical computing.
BIOSTAT 276 Inferential Techniques that use Simulation Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Requisites: Statistics 200A, 200B. Recommended: course 213. Theory and application of recently developed techniques for statistical inference that use computer simulation. Topics include bootstrap, multiple imputation, data augmentation, stochastic relaxation, and sampling/importance resampling algorithm.
BIOSTAT M237 Applied Genetic Modeling (Same as Biomathematics M207B and Human Genetics M207B.) Lecture, three hours; laboratory, one hour. Requisites: courses 110A, 110B. Methods of computer-oriented human genetic analysis. Topics include statistical methodology underlying genetic analysis of both quantitative and qualitative complex traits. Laboratory for hands-on computer analysis of genetic data; laboratory reports required. Course complements M272; students may take either and are encouraged to take both.
BIOSTAT M272 Theoretical Genetic Modeling (Same as Biomathematics M207A and Human Genetics M207A.) Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Requisites: Mathematics 115A, 131A, Statistics 100B. Mathematical models in statistical genetics. Topics include population genetics, genetic epidemiology, gene mapping, design of genetics experiments, DNA sequence analysis, and molecular phylogeny.
BIOSTAT M278 Statistical Analysis of DNA Microarray Data (Same as Human Genetics M278.) Lecture, three hours. Requisite: course 200C. Instruction in use of statistical tools used to analyze microarray data. Structure corresponds to analytical protocol investigators might follow when working with microarray data.
CHEM 256N Seminar: Research in Biochemistry — Advanced Topics in Structural Biology Seminar, three hours. Advanced study and analysis of current topics in biochemistry. Discussion of current research and literature in research specialty of faculty member teaching course.
CHEM 266 Proteomics and Protein Mass Spectrometry Lecture, two hours. Essential technologies and concepts practiced in proteomics-based research, including methods for protein separation and display, protein quantitation, and protein identification. Emphasis on fundamentals of protein mass spectrometry.
CHEM C265 Metabolic Control by Protein Modification Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Requisites: courses 153A, 153B, 153C. Biochemical basis of controlling metabolic pathways by posttranslational modification of proteins, including phosphorylation and methylation reactions. Concurrently scheduled with course C165.
COM SCI 262A Reasoning with Partial Beliefs Lecture, four hours; outside study, eight hours. Requisite: course 112 or Electrical Engineering 131A. Review of several formalisms for representing and managing uncertainty in reasoning systems; presentation of comprehensive description of Bayesian inference using belief networks representation.
COM SCI M229S Seminar: Current Topics in Bioinformatics (Same as Biological Chemistry M229S and Human Genetics M229S.) Seminar, four hours; outside study, eight hours. Designed for graduate engineering students, as well as students from biological sciences and medical school. Introduction to current topics in bioinformatics, genomics, and computational genetics and preparation for computational interdisciplinary research in genetics and genomics. Topics include genome analysis, regulatory genomics, association analysis, association study design, isolated and admixed populations, population substructure, human structural variation, model organisms, and genomic technologies. Computational techniques include those from statistics and computer science. May be repeated for credit with topic change.
EE BIOL 121 Molecular Evolution Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Requisites: Life Sciences 3, 4, 23L. Molecular biology, with emphasis on evolutionary aspects. DNA replication, RNA transcription, protein synthesis, gene expression, and molecular evolution.
EE BIOL 263 Seminar: Population Genetics Seminar, three to six hours. Seminar on topics of current interest in population genetics, such as kin selection, sociobiology, cultural evolution, conservation genetics, etc.
EE BIOL 297 Selected Topics in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Seminar, one to three hours. Advanced study and analysis of variable research topics in research issues in ecology and evolutionary biology. Consult “Schedule of Classes” for topics and instructors. May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
EE BIOL M200A Evolutionary Biology (Same as Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences M216.) Lecture, two hours; discussion, two hours. Current concepts and topics in evolutionary biology, including microevolution, speciation and species concepts, analytical biogeography, adaptive radiation, mass extinction, community evolution, molecular evolution, and development of evolutionary thought.
EL ENGR 236A Linear Programming Lecture, four hours; discussion, one hour; outside study, seven hours. Requisite: Mathematics 115A or equivalent knowledge of linear algebra. Basic graduate course in linear optimization. Geometry of linear programming. Duality. Simplex method. Interior-point methods. Decomposition and large-scale linear programming. Quadratic programming and complementary pivot theory. Engineering applications. Introduction to integer linear programming and computational complexity theory.
EL ENGR 236B Convex Optimization Lecture, four hours; outside study, eight hours. Requisite: course 236A. Introduction to convex optimization and its applications. Convex sets, functions, and basics of convex analysis. Convex optimization problems (linear and quadratic programming, second-order cone and semidefinite programming, geometric programming). Lagrange duality and optimality conditions. Applications of convex optimization. Unconstrained minimization methods. Interior-point and cutting-plane algorithms. Introduction to nonlinear programming.
EL ENGR 236C Optimization Methods for Large-scale Systems Lecture, four hours; outside study, eight hours. Requisite: course 236B. Theory and computational procedures for decomposing large-scale optimization problems: cutting-plane methods, column generation, decomposition algorithms. Techniques for global continuous optimization: branch-and-bound methods, reverse convex programming, bilinear and biconvex optimization, genetic algorithms, simulated annealing. Introduction to combinatorial optimization.
HUM GEN M207B Applied Genetic Modeling (Same as Biomathematics M207B and Biostatistics M237.) Lecture, three hours; laboratory, one hour. Requisites: Biostatistics 110A, 110B. Methods of computer-oriented human genetic analysis. Topics include statistical methodology underlying genetic analysis of both quantitative and qualitative complex traits. Laboratory for hands-on computer analysis of genetic data; laboratory reports required. Course complements M207A; students may take either and are encouraged to take both.
HUM GEN 210 Topics in Genomics Seminar, two hours. Survey of current biological theory and technology used in genomic research. Topics include genomic technologies, functional genomics, proteomics, statistical genetics, bioinformatics, and ethical issues in human genetics.
HUM GEN 236A Advanced Human Genetics A: Molecular Aspects Lecture, three hours. Recommended preparation: prior knowledge of basic concepts in molecular biology and genetics. Advanced topics in human genetics related to molecular genetics and relevant technologies. Topics include genomic technologies, human genome, mapping and identification of disease-causing mutations, transcriptomics, proteomics, functional genomics, epigenetics, and stem cells. Reading materials include original research articles and reviews or book chapters.
HUM GEN 236B Advanced Human Genetics B: Statistical Aspects Lecture, three hours; computer laboratory, one hour. Recommended preparation: introductory statistics knowledge equivalent to Biostatistics 100A or Statistics 13 and general genetics knowledge equivalent to Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 121, Human Genetics 236A, or Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology 144. Statistical and population genetics related to analysis of complex human genetic traits. Reading materials include original research papers and reviews.
HUM GEN 282 Human Genetics Seminar and Journal Club Seminar, one hour biweekly; discussion, one hour biweekly. Limited to graduate students. Participation and presentation in biweekly journal club meeting whose topics reflect those of talk in Human Genetics Seminar Series during following week. Journal club presentation required.
HUM GEN C244 Genomic Technology Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Requisite: Life Sciences 4. Survey of key technologies that have led to successful application of genomics to biology, with focus on theory behind specific genome-wide technologies and their current applications. Concurrently scheduled with course C144.
HUM GEN 210 Topics in Genomics Seminar, two hours. Survey of current biological theory and technology used in genomic research. Topics include genomic technologies, functional genomics, proteomics, statistical genetics, bioinformatics, and ethical issues in human genetics. NOT OFFERED SINCE 13W
HUM GEN M211 Mathematical and Statistical Phylogenetics (Same as Biomathematics M211 and Biostatistics M239.) Lecture, three hours; laboratory, one hour. Requisites: Biostatistics 110A, 110B, Mathematics 170A. Theoretical models in molecular evolution, with focus on phylogenetic techniques. Topics include evolutionary tree reconstruction methods, studies of viral evolution, phylogeography, and coalescent approaches. Examples from evolutionary biology and medicine. Laboratory for hands-on computer analysis of sequence data.
HUM GEN M255 Mapping and Mining Human Genome (Same as Pathology M255.) Lecture, three hours. Basic molecular genetic and cytogenetic techniques of gene mapping. Selected regions of human genomic map scrutinized in detail, particularly gene families and clusters of genes that have remained linked from mouse to human. Discussion of localizations of disease genes.
M PHARM 287 Business of Science: Exploring Entrepreneurship Lecture, two hours. Limited to graduate students. Introduction to principles of business and entrepreneurship in technology sectors. Basic business skills and knowledge required to effectively perform in commercial environment and within academic environment that is increasingly involved in industry partnerships. Exploration of entrepreneurship, particularly formation and operation of new business ventures. Presentations by and questioning of successful technology entrepreneurs. Significant aspects of identifying and evaluating new venture opportunities, development of financing, legal considerations, and entry and exit strategies presented and examined through critical discussion. Development of new venture feasibility analysis by students for product of their choice.
MIMG C222 Mouse Molecular Genetics Course Description: (Formerly numbered CM222.) Seminar, two hours. Enforced requisites: course CM156, Life Sciences 4. Designed for students doing research with mice. During past 25 years, molecular revolution has greatly increased power and scope of mouse genetics, and today mouse is primary experimental model in virtually all fields of biology and biomedicine. Seminar forum for in-depth discussion of tools and technologies of mouse genetics and their application to functional genomics, complex traits, stem cell biology, developmental biology, epigenetics, and genetic dissection of diseases. Concurrently scheduled with course C122. S/U or letter grading.
PATH M272 Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (Same as Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology M272.) Lecture, two hours; discussion, two hours. Designed for graduate students. Presentation of current knowledge of embryonic and adult stem cells and factors that regulate their growth and development. Major emphasis on how advances in cell and molecular biology and tissue engineering can be applied to use of stem cells in regenerative medicine. Bioethical and legal issues related to stem cell research.
PHYSCI M200 Advanced Experimental Statistics (Same as Biostatistics M220.) Lecture, four hours. Introduction to statistics with focus on computer simulation instead of formulas. Bootstrap and Monte Carlo methods used to analyze physiological data.
STATS 200A Applied Probability Lecture, three hours. Requisite: course 100A or Mathematics 170A. Limited to graduate statistics students. Simulation, renewal theory, martingale, and selected topics from queuing, reliability, speech recognition, computational biology, mathematical finance, epidemiology.
STATS 200B Theoretical Statistics Lecture, three hours. Sufficiency, exponential families, least squares, maximum likelihood estimation, Bayesian estimation, Fisher information, Cramér/Rao inequality, Stein’s estimate, empirical Bayes, shrinkage and penalty, confidence intervals. Likelihood ratio test, p-value, false discovery, nonparametrics, semi-parametrics, model selection, dimension reduction.
STATS C236 Introduction to Bayesian Statistics Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Recommended requisite: course 200A or 200B. Designed for graduate students. Introduction to statistical inference based on use of Bayes theorem, covering foundational aspects, current applications, and computational issues. Topics include Stein paradox, nonparametric Bayes, and statistical learning. Examples of applications vary according to interests of students. Concurrently scheduled with course C180.
STATS C261 Introduction to Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Lecture, three hours. Requisites: course 100B, Mathematics 33A. Introduction to pattern analysis and machine intelligence designed for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Concurrently scheduled with course C161.
STATS M231 Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (Same as Computer Science M276A.) Lecture, three hours. Designed for graduate students. Fundamental concepts, theories, and algorithms for pattern recognition and machine learning that are used in computer vision, image processing, speech recognition, data mining, statistics, and computational biology. Topics include Bayesian decision theory, parametric and nonparametric learning, clustering, complexity (VC-dimension, MDL, AIC), PCA/ICA/TCA, MDS, SVM, boosting.