UCLA Police Department: (310) 825-1491 https://www.ucpd.ucla.edu

Security: All of the buildings are locked down in the evenings, weekends and holidays. If there is an event or class scheduled during off-hours, then the building is unlocked until that event or class has ended.

Harassment: UCLA Student Conduct Code: http://www.deanofstudents.ucla.edu/Code_choice.php
UCLA is committed to creating and maintaining a community in which students, faculty, administration and academic staff can work together in an atmosphere free of all forms of harassment, exploitation or intimidation. At the same time, the University has a vital interest in protecting and encouraging the lawful freedom of expression. UCLA has policies prohibiting harassment and similar conduct by students (see “Student Conduct” in this section) which attempt to strike a balance between lawful free speech and the University’s responsibility to assure a learning climate free from expression of bigotry that corrodes the intergroup tolerance required for all to enjoy genuinely equal opportunities to learn and discover.

If you believe that you have been harassed, please talk with someone. Harassment Information Centers (listed below) have been created by the University to offer people the opportunity to learn about the phenomena of harassment; to offer support; to understand the informal and formal mechanisms by which misunderstandings may be corrected and perpetrators disciplined; and to consider which of the available options is the most appropriate for your circumstances. The counselors at each center understand the available remedies and provide support and assistance. (If you believe that you have been sexually harassed, refer to “SEXUAL HARASSMENT.”) It is the University’s hope that those who experience harassment will come forward so that appropriate remedies for stopping the behavior may be sought and so that perpetrators may be held accountable. The Harassment Information Centers and counselors are located in:

Office of the Dean of Students                 Office of Ombuds Services
1206 Murphy Hall, (310) 825-3871         105 Strathmore Building, (310) 825-7627

Sexual Harrassment and Title IX Officer: 310-206-3417 http://www.sexualharassment.ucla.edu/report_officers.html

Campus Escort Service: (310) 794-WALK (4-9255) Campus Security Officers provide walking escort services every day of the year from dusk until 1:00 a.m. Dial (310) 794-WALK.The UCLA Police Department provides a free escort service from dusk to 1:00 am. Community Service Officers (CSOs) are UCLA students who walk students, faculty, staff and visitors to and from campus buildings, local living areas and Westwood. The service boundaries are Sunset to the north, Wilshire to the south, Veteran to the west and Hilgard to the east. When requesting an escort, allow 15 minutes for the escort to respond.