Population genetic simulations of natural selection in the human genome

Project Start Date: Winter/Spring 2014

Project title: Population genetic simulations of natural selection in the human genome

Project Contact: Kirk Lohmueller (klohmueller@ucla.edu)

Project Description: We are developing and applying mathematical models of how natural selection affects patterns of genetic variation across regions of the human genome. This particular project will involve performing population genetic simulations using existing software to 1) assess the accuracy of our theoretical predictions, and 2) help interpret signals seen in actual genetic variation data.

I am looking for a motivated and talented student to play a prominent role in this project.

Required Experience: Experience with running programs from the command line, shell scripting, using a cluster, writing programs/scripts in C/C++, Perl, or Python to parse large files, and using R. Some background on genetic variation is required. Interest in population genetics a major plus.

Possibility of funding: Yes, especially if working over the summer or for longer periods of time.

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