Analysis of mitochondrial protein expression profiles using four large protein data sets

Project Start Date: Summer/Fall 2011
Project Title: Analysis of mitochondrial protein expression profiles using four large protein data sets.
Contact: Peipei Ping (

Project Description:
Mitochondrion produces ATP and is the energy source of all cells. A mitochondrial proteome may contain up to 2000 distinct proteins with various abundance and they form up to 100 networks/pathways. We have obtained four large protein datasets on four types of mitochondria: the human heart mitochondria; the mouse heart mitochondria; the mouse liver mitochondria; and the fly muscle mitochondria. The analyses of these four datasets will inform what are the core proteins essential to all mitochondrial proteomes, which proteins are unique and contribute to the specificities in function for heart, liver, and muscle, and which proteins are fundamental to the human heart mitochondrial proteome. These information will be essential for our understanding of human cardiac mitochondrial function.

Required Experience: Experience with some programming language (C, C++, Java etc.), some background knowledge of cell biology are preferred but not essential.

Possibility of Funding : Yes

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